nicole bowles
Nicole Bowles
Hi my name is Nicole Bowles and I lived with disability all my live. This disability affects me in my daily life. However, I don’t let that stop me to do what I love. Art is a huge part of me and it helps me escape form live and my disabilities. Art comes naturally to me, because on both sides of my family it is dominate feature. Then it came time for me to figure out if I wanted to go to college and what I wanted to do. I know that I wanted to do something that dealt with Art. So I chose to do photography because it is a form of art. It takes a lot of planning and thinking to get want you have envisioned. I want to make photo/imagines that capture fairy tales and fantasy such as Alice and Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast. Being in college for 2 year I discovered that I like taking photos of kids and making cute scene or sets.