Nathena Lightheart
Artist Biography
Years ago, when I was a young child, if you had asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up I would have boasted with a ton of enthusiasm, I am going to be a marine biologist or a veterinarian.” “I am going to work with animals! “ However, I have always had this secret love and fascination of all things art and as time went on, I found myself pushing towards every creative opportunity plausible. This new interest was largely fueled and nurtured by my teachers and family and before I knew it I was immersed and in LOVE. Art was the new path, it came easy and it was fun. High school was a blur of visual arts, media arts and photography. If it was creative and allowed me to delve into my ever-growing sea of ideas, I was willing to try it. My love for art was the catalyst that reinvented and redirected my energies, it fine-tuned me, and together with my over active and tireless mind, it provided me with a welcome escape from the constraints of the everyday. I was always a photo bug and was rarely spotted without a camera. I have countless negatives and photo albums of years passed and have always felt the need to capture a multitude of moments in time. Photography was not my first journey though, instead I decided to re route and venture in the way of graphic design. So just out of high school at the ripe age of 18 I enrolled in the graphic design program at St. Clair College, it was a program that offered a variety of courses that I had also enjoyed thoroughly in high school. Over time however, I was not completely satisfied, instead I was unsettled and had this lingering feeling that there was something left to be desired. Entering the working world, I found my over-active mind was restless, I was looking for something more and until recently I hadn’t thought of combining these two passions. Melding these two skill sets into one has presented me with an amazing opportunity and a truly rewarding career. Going forward I know that I will never escape from my love of art, nor will I find a way around my over active mind, (not in a million years) but what I can do is use both of these strengths to my advantage. Continuing to explore my creative sides constructively will allow me to continuing growing and offer outstanding and unique work with both crazy attention to detail and a very different edge.