Artist Biography
Mellisa Elliott is a young developing photographer; she originates from Strathroy, Ontario. She is currently wrapping up her last semester at Lambton College in the Digital Photography program. Most recently, Mellisa has had pieces featured in The Lambton College Arts Collective at the Lawrence House as well as a solo exhibit in Strathroy. She covers a wide range of portraiture, from people to animals and even vehicles. She also enjoys fine art and landscape photography. Mellisa does enjoy traveling and can always be found out taking pictures when she travels; be it up north near Huntsville visiting family -wandering the woods- or taking pictures as she sits shotgun down the interstate while she’s adventuring with her father as he trucks. She can often be found out taking pictures in Sarnia-Lambton and Middlesex County. Currently she has a few projects underway. Make sure you check her website for updates on projects and to view images from her latest trips.